Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Movie Review: The Circle

This movie is simply about a big company that started a growing social networking site. This movie tackles the issues and the effects of using social networking sites as our tools as basis for our credibility and transparency.
What you might not like about this movie is that, it's all talk and discussions. Like me, I would sometimes look for some action scenes. Ok, there is that one scene that her best friend is being chased by circlers (they are the members of the social networking site.) and her best friend dies in the crash.
Yeah, it might be a good movie but simehow feels extreme.
Not really a great movie. Something just like "black mirror" without the final outcome.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Movie Review: Slient Voice

This anime movie is one of the anime movues I recommend watching.
The story is about a male student trying to make amends to all his classmates he bullied. He remembers that he was also bullied before, and now, he's doing it to others.
The eight missing hearing aid was reported to the school principal and the male student was reprimanded. All of his so-called friends blamed everything on him. Ever since, he felt he doesn't need to connect to abybody anymore.

My Movie review: Redivider

If you are going to watch this, be ready to get confused.
If you watched the trailer, it would seem that the movie was about alien invasion to planet Earth, or close to that.
But no.
It is actually about using a new technology to create energy for the entire planet. This is by creating an "echo Earth". This means that they create a twin earth and get all its natural resources and when it's done, the echo Earth will need to be destroyed. The plot here is that the twin planet also has the clone of the people from the original planet. Then, the twin planet is pulling everything from the original planet. (That's why you will see the planes and trains falling from the sky).
I am also confused about the graphics, (brain computer interface). Why does the main character have that?
So, there is no alien invasion. There is no higher being coming. Just more confusing details.