Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Movie Review: Deadpool

 I wasn't able to watch it on its first day of showing, and many already had posted their own comments about the movie.
I don't know much about deadpool's story in the comics, so I don't know if the movie version is exactly the same as the comics version. I only knew little about deadpool when I watched its video game released in snes or playstation version on youtube. I remember that he does not die, he fights evil villains that possess the same powers. I already knew about his character, little like spiderman, when he says something funny while in action, but deadpool is more adult language. And also a little bit of wolverine because of his rapid self-healing powers.
Yeah, I love this movie. The movie tried to explain everything how he became deadpool, and how he encounters his enemies and manages to eliminate them. The movie does not leave holes in every part of the story and that helps the audience understand what deadpool is really like as a superhero and as a person.
Oh. By the way, it's saddening to tell my readers that this movie, according to MTRCB rating, is R-16. Meaning, you can't allow kids watch this movie. If not because of the sex scenes, it's the blood and gore.
I maybe biased to give this movie a good rating because I love action movies as well.

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